Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

Or it's just Bob that smells
like street shit over there.

On your knees!
Kiss my ass.
Repent, you son of a bitch!
Sweet Jesus, I repent.
Leave off, Bob! You've gone loco!
I'm going across the street
and have a drink.

I'm thirsty as hell.
I wanna tell you one last thing
personal, Kid.

It's gonna be a loose rope
and a long drop.

That last thump got my guts going.
I need to go to the outhouse.
My horse locoed on me once
coming back from Pacheco.

I cut the second bar in his mouth
and bleed him.

He died on me,
and I ended up walking 40 miles.

I never was much for walking.
Well, I ain't never walked a mile since.
Fell in with a bunch of Mescaleros.
They was just off the reservation,
and I was "suspicioned" of them.

But I had some biscuit on me.
I give it to them, and they just rode off.
