Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

Would some of you people
get him up off the ground and into it?

Anything you say, sheriff.
Hell of a mess, Pat.
Shot Bell and Ollinger and rode on out.
Yeah. Do me up good this time, Zeppy.
And leave the mustache on it.
- Is the boy around?
- Boy.

Speak to Mr. Garrett.
Yes, sir?
I want you to run all the way down
to my house.

Tell Mrs. Garrett that I'm gonna
be home for dinner.

And then I want you to stampede
over to the courthouse...

...find John Neully and the others
standing around there...

...and tell them to come over here
and pay me a visit. Got that?

John Neully, courthouse. Yes, sir.
Who are you?
That's a good question.
I believe you know of me.
Bill Kermit.
Wanted for horse-thieving
down in Seven Rlvers, ain't you?
