There's a whole bunch of us
just fixing to ride in.
Well, I saved you all a trip.
Or somebody did.
I figured I'd lay back a few days.
Maybe more.
Well, it sure Is pleasurable
seeing you back again, Kid.
- You glad I'm back?
- Welcome home, Billy.
And did you miss me?
So much you had to take up
with that low-down piece, old Hyatt.
Cómo estás, Silva?
Buenos dias, Billy.
Now, you're uglier than me.
How's it going, Beaver?
Eno, I thought you boys would be out
In the Nueces or Colorado by now.
Well, I figured to watch you get stretched
but might have knowed you'd show up.
Good thing somebody did.
These four rode in here this morning.
What's your name, boy?
- Alias.
- Alias what?
Alias anything you please.
What do we call you?