...go over there to Lemuel
and get that shotgun...
...he's got his fingers wrapped around
and bring it over to me, stock first.
Do it!
It ain't no use, you getting mad.
I wasn't set on using that.
But those boys have been
patronizing me real well.
No use getting him mad, old Pat.
We been patronizing him real well.
Now, I want you to stand over
behind breed here.
I want you to take the stock of that gun and
rap him smartly on the back of the head.
You do it, or this bullet
that's going through his chest...
...is liable to come out the other side
and tickle your private parts.
Private parts?
- Lemuel.
- Yeah?
I want you to drag your fat ass over here
so we can all see you.
You're crazier than a mule-humping goat.
Sitting there with all that law crammed
inside of you, busting to get out.
I wouldn't give a sweet jerk in hell
if the Kid did lay you out.
You used to be just like a daddy
to that boy.
Come over here.
I want you to take Lemuel's hat
and stuff it down over his eyes, gentle-like.
Those eyes ain't seen nothing but bad
since he's been in this territory.
And I'm looking right smack-dab at it.