... ten years of combat and more than1,000 holes from enemy fire...
Patches, the ancient C-123...
used for spraying chemical defoliantsin Vietnam is being retired.
Patches will leave Saigonand is destined for exhibition...
at the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.
The plane's last pilot,Captain Orin Smith stated:
"We'll miss her. She was a tough old bird."
Preliminary reports on last night's tragedy...
at Glendale Boulevard indicatea 16-foot section of the main gas line...
had been damaged in the recent tremor.
The structural weakeningin the three foot wide pipe...
had evidently escaped detection.
Eight bodies have been recoveredas of 2:00 a.m. Fires continue.
On the local weather scene...
we can expect temperaturesin the low to mid 70s.
The Los Angeles County Air PollutionDistrict reports heavy smog...
in the Basin todaywith light eye irritation predicted.
Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxidewill be.30 parts per million.
The APCD again cautions againststrenuous activity for school children.
Now, let me show you somethingfor man's best friend.
Any dog will lick his chopsfor Granny's Grenadine Beef.
- Why, it'll make your dog sit up and...- Shit.
- You don't want any toast?- Nada, nothing.