Save the Tiger

How are you? Good to see you again.
- Who was that?
- That's Anderson, the Toledo plant.

- We should check the ballroom.
- Hell, Rico's taking care of it.

It's his great and glorious moment.
Leave him alone.

- What'll it be, gents?
- Two White Label on the rocks.

You've gotta solve this thing
between Rico and Meyer.

When are you gonna learn Spanish?
When you learn to fish.
I wonder how Freddy's doing.

Freddy doesn't have to do anything.
Margo's doing all the work.

Margo the Machine.
The working man's friend.

Ernie Koy. Indian Ernie, center-field
for the '39 Dodgers.

I damn near had it fleshed out.
Now wait a minute.

We had Camilli, Pete Coscarart,
Durocher's at short.

Lavagetto's at third, Babe Phelps
is catching...

left field is either Moore or Medwick
and center, Ernie Koy in center.

Call for Mr. Stoner. Call for Harry Stoner.
- Christ. All right, yeah. Right field...
- Hi, Mr. Stoner.

- I have a call for you.
- I'll be right back. Thank you.
