No, l...
- Ive been in the joint.
- Joint?
I was in Quentin.
- How long?
- Six years.
That's a long time.
Why Detroit?
Ill show you something.
Open that up.
- It's a lamp.
- That's right.
Guy's carrying around a lamp in a box.
- For my kid.
- Yeah?
- You got a kid?
- Yeah, in Detroit.
Ive never seen it, so l don't know
if it's a boy or a girl.
That's why l got a lamp.
I figure a lamp would do fine either way,
you know what l mean?
- You never seen the kid, though?
- No.
But l send a lot of money to it.
- All the money l ever earned, l sent.
- Yeah?
Wasn't much, but l knew it helped.
- You got kids?
- No.
Listen, you can make a lot of money
in the car wash business.
Yeah. And you'll do better
than you ever have.
I got it all down to the percent.
I know every penny, inside and out.
It's a foolproof enterprise.
Absolutely foolproof.
All right. Let's get started.
Hey, fella, you got nothing better to do...
than listen in
on other people's conversations?