Crows are laughing. Right.
In the joint, l heard some tales.
Oh, boy, howdy. I heard some tall tales.
But at least those guys in there,
they had the decency to admit...
that that was just bullshit.
You know what l mean?
It was just bullshit.
They actually... They took pride...
Pride in it, that it was bullshit.
But the crows are laughing?
Oh, brother.
I mean, you're not playing
with a full deck, man.
You got one foot in the great beyond.
Max, what do you do when it's cold?
I put on more clothes.
Im a cold-blooded bastard.
I can never get warm enough.
Gotta take a little nap after every fight.
- What's with the shoe?
- What's with minding your own business?
Boy, some partner l picked.
You didn't pick me. I picked you.
Because you gave me your last match.
You made me laugh.
The damn crows are laughing.
I remember the first time
l was in Catholic school.
A nun called me up in front of the class,
says, "Francis, stick out your hand."
So l stick out my hand.
She whacks it with a stick.
I said, "What did l do?"