What old lady?
The one that hit you in the palms
with the stick.
She was a nun.
Shut the door, you big dope.
You're letting all the smoke out.
Look at the size of that one.
How you doing, old-timer?
What'll you have, fellas?
Better check the big one's ID, Charlie.
If he can get it out of his pants.
Don't bother about her.
That's just Darlene. What'll you have?
- Give me a bottle of beer.
- Bourbon here.
Max, these two guys go into a bar, right.
And one guy says to the bartender,
"Two mugs."
Bartender says,
"l know that. What'll you have?"
Bad. Better make that a double.
Don't go getting dangerous on us,
Max, Im the tallest man in this bar.
Scarecrow, what are you gonna do
when your old lady kicks you...
along with your lamp,
when you get to Detroit?
- Ill make her laugh first.
- You're gonna make her laugh first?
That's right. Can l have a glass?
- Where's the can?
- Over there.
People can't stay mad at you
if you make them laugh.
- Okay, you keep them laughing.
- Okay.
Hey, you. Big mouth.
He acts like the chief of police.
Why don't you just unplug it?
Don't you point at me,
you rude son of a bitch.
- Get out of here.
- No. Come on, cool it.
Stupid broad.
- What did you call me?
- I said, "Stupid broad."
Get out of here.
- Ill put you into the goddamn wall.
- You are real tough.
- Ill have a heart attack right on the floor.
- You'll never make it. Not with those.
Why don't you go in there
and empty your little lizard?