No, thanks.
Well, this is a good place
to tell you, Paco.
You know that guy in Texas
I was telling you about?
- What about him?
- I'm gonna marry him in two months...
unless you marry me.
What about the theater
and your dancing?
A girl has to get
married sometime.
Well, you're a long way
from sometime, Leslie.
I thought you were committed.
I am, but--
You are, but?
I can go on working,
studying there.
Where? Fort Worth?
Well, am I invited
to the wedding?
I'll ask Roy.
Yeah, it's pretty good
in this precinct.
Here you go.
Usually a 9::00 to 5::00 day is the
best time for policy and bookmaking.
Ifyou have to work nights, like
a liquor violation, just call in.
Don't worry about
quotas right now.
Couple of hooker collars
will keep it cool.
Been holding this foryou.
It's from Jewish Max.