know I was comin' in here
to see these guys?
You believe from what you now know
that a full-scale investigation...
is warranted?
- Yes, Commissioner Delaney.
- Go to it.
But, sir...
shouldn't headquarters
handle something like this?
You're all experienced men.
Chief Gallagher here will be
available for consultation.
Serpico claims that...
McClain talked to you about
this whole thing some time ago.
Yes. I seem to remember
something about that.
We can't set up a surveillance on
"somewhere over by Crotona Park."
We need a location!
I've given you 36 locations
that are paying off.
Now, what do you want? The whole
thing signed, sealed, delivered?
You're conducting this
investigation, not me.
Lieutenant Smith--
Let's get back to him.
Lieutenant Smith.
Lieutenant Smith said to me...
if I didn't want the money that
he would stash it in his attic.
I'll have him transferred
in the morning.
Fuck him.
How about transferring me?
I hearyou been
vouchering pad money...
over to a confidential
investigation squad.
Oh, yeah? How can I voucher money
when I don't take any?
You won't find anything
on Serpico.
He's clean.
You practicing your frisk?