
That's 800 clams every time your
girlfriend gets the curse tax free.

Here's the beauty. You don't
get it for the first eight weeks...

till the guys get to
know you and you're okay.

But you don't lose, either, 'cause
you get it on the other end...

when you leave the division.
Frankie, it's like--
it's like severance pay.

Think it over, all right?
In or out.

Look at me. I'm shaking.
All my life I wanted
to be a cop, you know?

It's like I can remember
nothing else.

I remember this one time...
there was--
Somethin' happened.
A domestic argument or somethin'.

Somebody stabbed somebody.
there was this crowd
around this tenement.

I must have been nine,
ten years old. I was this big.

I went over to see
what was going on.

I noticed the red light
goin' around and around...

all these people,
and I couldn't see.

I kept saying, "Do you know
what's goin' on? Do you know?"

Nobody knew.
It was like a big mystery
behind that--

that crowd there.
All of a sudden...
the crowd just parted...
Iike the Red Sea, you see?
And there were these guys
in blue, and I said...

"They know."
What do they know?
What do they know?

It's amazing.
It's incredible...
but I feel like a criminal
'cause I don't take money.

You get so tense
when you talk about it.
