
If they would take
all that energy, see...

put it into
straight police work...

we'd have the city
cleaned up in a week.

They'd clean up.
There'd be no crime.

If I could work alone--
That's the thing, see?

If I could just get-- Work alone.
But they don't like that.

They don't want that.
They want to suckyou in.

You go over
the same thing, Paco.

So fucking corrupt. Everybody,
everyone. Nobody giving a shit!

There's gotta be a way
to wipe it out, goddamn it.

Let's get out of here for a while,
huh, honey? Let's go to a movie.

Quit handling me! What are you
doing? How am I gonna go to a movie?

They'd kill me if they knew!
You think that hasn't happened?

Eitheryou're exploding, oryou're
lying around like a catatonic!

- I can't stand it, Paco.
- You don't give a shit, right?

All I care about is you!
That's all that matters to me.

That's why it hurts so much.
I can't stand to see you like this--

Scared, miserable,
dreading to go to work.

It's tearing me apart!
And then I get sick of hearing
about it, and I start hating myself.

You didn't like my being a cop,
so don't give me that shit.

I love you! I want to marry you!
I want to have children with you!

- Goddamn it! I hate it!
- Why don't you get out?

- Why don't you?
- It's crossed my mind.

Well, do it.
- What do you got?
- Would you bust whitey?

Try me. Try me.
This guy's heavy.
He's ltalian.

Mobbed up.
Still interested?
