
What are you gonna tell
the grand jury, Frankie?

Depends on
what they ask me.

Suppose they ask you
who's taking money?

What I don't know,
I don't know.

But you do know, Frank.
Look, Frankie, I like you. I don't
want to see anything happen to you.

But you gotta understand,
a lot of people could get hurt here.

I'm not saying anything's going to
happen. I'm saying it could happen.

I mean, there's lots ofways.
Nobody has to take a shot at you.

They can just not be there
when you need them.

Somebody come at you with a gun,
they look the other way.

Or they can send you
in first enough times...

until finally one day you're gonna
walk in the wrong door.

- Thanks for the information.
- Fuckyou, Frank!

I have nothing more. Does anyone
have any further questions?

- Yes, Mrs. Crist?
- If I may, Mr. Knowles, thankyou.

Officer Serpico came
to the 7th Division...

more than a year
and a half ago.

All during that time, the things
he's told us were taking place.

Now, why didn't
Officer Serpico...

report these criminal activities
when he first encountered them?

- I'd like to answer that.
- Mr. Chairman...

Mrs. Crist's question isn't material
or relevant to the present inquiry.

-Although I want to make it clear...
-I'd like to answer that.

Officer Serpico cannot be considered
derelict of his duty in any way...
