I don't know
what I could do.
Okay, I made my little speech.
I'll backyou up a hundred percent.
Times and the News.
I got the money, fellas.
Here you go, here you go,
here you go.
Newsweek, please.
Holy sh-- Jeez!
Aw, Christ!
You could almost predict
the numbers they're gonna do.
Delaney's gonna issue
some phony denial.
Somebody from the mayor's office
will say something noble.
Delaney'll change his tune. Finally,
the mayor will appoint a commission.
"Mayor Lindsay announced the
formation of a five-man committee...
to review the city procedures for
investigating police corruption."
How come I'm not
in the first paragraph?
The Times' report smells
of the familiar smear tactics...
of McCarthyism.
- I have issued a statement--
- We here at city hall--
The mayor appointed a special
investigation commission...
to be headed
by Whitman Knapp.
Yeah, come.
It's your reward. It's a transfer
to narcotics, Brooklyn South.
You're still in clothes. You get
a tin shield, not a gold one.
I miss you already, Frank.
Look, Frank...
it's narcotics.
You be careful.
It's very easy to get hurt...
and to--