Nobody knows what happened to them.
But our tribes are descended
from these proud ancestors.
Don't laugh, Mr. Shaft.
Your survival depends
on how much you can remember.
Who's laughing?
I was just thinking,
they made us study Shakespeare in school.
Was he ever a Johnny-come-lately...
...compared to your cats grooving
on poetry a thousand years ago.
Sure blow their minds at P.S. 64!
Our officials fall into two categories.
Macha. Tulama.
Not bad. You are progressing.
Why don't you get rid of
that Jolly Giant there...
...so that you and I can get down
to the finer strokes?
Ossiat has guarded me since I was a child.
Sometimes I think of him
as my living chastity belt.
Man that size, baby.
That's a whole lot of chastity.
I'm still in my first age-grade.
We call that Fareita.
No one is permitted to marry
while they're in Fareita.
What do you do for relaxation?
I enter Chela, my second age-grade,
this February.
Then, even the Emir's daughter
may have sex and marry.
After my clitoridectomy.
Your what?
My clitoridectomy, female circumcision.
You mean, when they cut off your....
Are you afraid to say the word?
My clitoris?
That's what they do in the time of Chela.
Hell, no wonder the natives get restless.
The emphasis in our marriages
is not upon sexual pleasure...
...but upon the rearing of children.
Listen, baby....
February's just around the corner.
How are you going to know
what you're missing unless...