Go catch your plane to Addis.
Who are you?
I'm not with Standard Oil.
Then I guess he's not with Coca Cola.
To quote your exact words:
"He will never live to reach Africa."
Yet I am told
he's already boarded Ethiopian Airlines...
...Flight 175, at Orly,
en route to Addis Ababa.
How can you explain that?
They had somebody with him
out of New York.
He took my man by surprise.
Shaft was simply lucky.
First editions always worry me.
Luck can run out, even for you,
my black brother.
Consider him a dead man.
I was under the impression you were to kill
whoever the Emir hired in New York.
Wasn't that our agreement?
The Emir might have suspected me.
This man, Shaft, seemed too dangerous
on his home ground.
But in Africa....