Shaft in Africa

Is that right?
You are to go at once.
Thank you, sir. Keep the receipt.
I'll see you get your picture tomorrow.
Sorry for this cloak-and-dagger business.
The incident at Orly gave us a nasty shock.

That incident at Orly gave me
a nasty shock!

You trust her?
She's a cousin of mine.
I'll never turn my back again
on a cleaning woman.

Who was the cat in drag
who tried to kill me?

A Sardinian named Bocco.
An assassin with a long criminal record.

And the dude who saved my ass?
He works with us.
Well, it seems we've brought you
a long distance for nothing.

Obviously, the opposition
knows about you.

If you choose to call it off,
we'll understand.

What, and blow $25,000?
Only money brings you here?
Hell, no. I just love having
my picture taken with lions.

Your forebearers were dragged in chains
from this continent...

...and dumped onto the cotton plantations
of America.

I'd think you'd want the assignment
for stronger motives than money.

You're wrong! My folks weren't in cotton.
They were in tobacco.

The Emir tells me you've learned
how to use this.

This particular fighting stick
is a rather special one.

Thirty-six exposures. Extra film in here.
