And the next time "The Staten Island"
"Panorama" decides to investigate...
- our methods, I hope
they send a real reporter.
- I'm going up there.
- And you're certainly not a cop.
- And you're not either...
if you don't do
something about this.
Unless, of course, you'd rather
go beat up a few students.
Ever hear of a search warrant,
Miss Civil Liberties?
Well, you haven't got one,
and neither do I.
You mean you're actually gonna stand
here and ask me idiotic questions...
like some dumb courtroom
drama while a man dies?
I saw it.
Saw it happen.
- Actually saw it happen.
- Calm down, calm down.
Now, you just go back
to your apartment and relax.
And watch you walk off?
You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
That'd make a great story
for your next issue.
"Police refuse to investigate
brutal race murder."
Not a chance, lady.
You stick with us.
And keep
your mouth shut.
I'll do what
I consider necessary.
This isn't
a police state yet.
3-R is this way.
- Yes?
- Police officer.
- Oh, yes? Can I help you?
- Are you the lady of the house?
- Yes, I am.
- You live here alone?
- Yes.
- Had any company this morning?
- Oh, no.
- Two people...
- That will do, Miss Collier.
If there is some information that
you need, I will be glad to help you,
but as you can see,
I am in the middle of dressing,