Those are the charmed substances once
felt to contain life-preserving properties.
You mean there was no deep fat?
No steak or cream pies or hot fudge?
Those were thought to be unhealthy... the
opposite of what we now know to be true.
Well, he wants to know where he is
and what's going on.
I think it's time to tell him.
I can't believe this.
My doctor said I'd be up
and on my feet in five days.
He was off by 199 years.
I know it's hard, Miles, but try
to think of this as a miracle of science.
To me, a miracle is I go in
for a minor operation,
I come out the next day,
my rent isn't 2,000 months overdue.
That's a miracle of science.
This is what I call a cosmic screwing.
And where am I, anyhow? What happened
to everybody? Where are all my friends?
Understand that everyone you knew in
the past has been dead nearly 200 years.
But they all ate organic rice.
You are now in the year 21 73.
This is the central parallel
of the American Federation.
This district is what you'd probably call
the southwestern United States.
That was before
it was destroyed by the war.
- War?
- Yes. Over a hundred years ago,
a man named Albert Shanker
got a hold of a nuclear warhead.
You will remain in hiding here
for two weeks while we run tests on you.