All you had in the car were these...
interstellar space cookies.
Eat something. You'll feel better.
Just take a cracker.
Will you shut up? For God's sakes,
put yourself in my position.
I'm a clarinet player in 1973.
I go into the hospital for a lousy operation.
I wake up 200 years later
and I'm Flash Gordon. Plus I'm a criminal.
I never did anything wrong. I ran
a health-food store in Greenwich Village.
a customer would get botulism.
But that was very rare.
Now, look, you have to help me.
You're the only person I know.
I'm gonna take that gag off.
If you're gonna scream, scream.
Nobody's gonna hear you.
Go ahead, scream.
I love it, I love it. Scream.
Help! Help me!
Shut up or I'll bring this rock down
on your head so hard
that a substance resembling guacamole
will come out of your ears.
- What do you want with me?
- Help me reach the underground.
I'm not helping any alien.
We don't want your crazy ideas.
Go back to Greenberg's Village.
Greenwich Village.
Not Greenberg's Village.
And that was 200 years ago.
I can't go back.
You're sick. You have to give yourself up.
They won't hurt you.
They'll restructure your brain.
Oh, no. Nobody touches my brain.
They may drop it.
Then I'd talk like I'd been hit by lightning.
Please! I wanna go home.
I'm getting a headache. I'm hungry.
I haven't had a stress pill
or a bath in seven hours.
I'm not accustomed to this. I need my orb.
I wanna relax. Look at me.
Look at me. I'm shaking.
- You'd be great on a camping trip.
- I order you to take me home.
They'll be out looking for me.
You've abducted a very important person.
I am a renowned poet. I sell 20 to 30
poems a week, plus greeting cards.
- How far is the Western District?
- It'd take days, and that's with a vehicle.