
The capsule was perfectly intact.
- Is there any date on the capsule?
- Yes. The subject was frozen in 1973.

He's been under for 200 years.
- Blood pressure?
- 140/50.

- Encephalo-activity?
- Just under normal.

General life functions: Acceptable.
- He should come out of it any moment.
- Do we have any information on him?

Just the usual data card inside
the capsule and the personal artefacts kit.

Subject was 35 years old
at time of initial cryogenic immersion.

His name: Miles Monroe.
He was part-owner of the
Happy Carrot Health-Food Restaurant

on Bleecker Street, wherever that was.
Also a clarinet player with
something called the Ragtime Rascals.

Was his immersion voluntary?
"Subject entered hospital for routine
exploration of minor peptic ulcer,

and complications set in.
Patient never regained consciousness."

"He was admitted for immersion
by his cousin, a Mrs Joan Needlebaum."

- The physical damage was repaired?
- Totally. Routine.

- We're getting an initial motor response.
- This is the critical stage.

If his regaining consciousness isn't
handled carefully, there could be damage.
