
that a substance resembling guacamole
will come out of your ears.

- What do you want with me?
- Help me reach the underground.

I'm not helping any alien.
We don't want your crazy ideas.

Go back to Greenberg's Village.
Greenwich Village.
Not Greenberg's Village.

And that was 200 years ago.
I can't go back.

You're sick. You have to give yourself up.
They won't hurt you.
They'll restructure your brain.

Oh, no. Nobody touches my brain.
They may drop it.

Then I'd talk like I'd been hit by lightning.
Please! I wanna go home.
I'm getting a headache. I'm hungry.

I haven't had a stress pill
or a bath in seven hours.

I'm not accustomed to this. I need my orb.
I wanna relax. Look at me.
Look at me. I'm shaking.

- You'd be great on a camping trip.
- I order you to take me home.

They'll be out looking for me.
You've abducted a very important person.

I am a renowned poet. I sell 20 to 30
poems a week, plus greeting cards.

- How far is the Western District?
- It'd take days, and that's with a vehicle.

Take me there and you'll never
see me again, I promise.

I'm hungry. I can't think straight.
Obviously, I'll promise you anything.

If I get you some food,
will you take me to the Western District?

You sit here. I'll find us something.
And don't try anything funny,
cos you know what you'll get.

What will you get?
A large and painful hickey.
