Tasteless, odorless crud.
You don't know any better.
Oh, for...
You know, when I was a kid...
...food was food.
Before our scientific magicians
poisoned the water...
...polluted the soil,
decimated plant and animal life.
Why, in my day,
you could buy meat anywhere.
Eggs, they had. Real butter.
Fresh lettuce in the stores.
I know, Sol. You told me before.
How can anything survive
in a climate like this?
A heat wave all year long.
A greenhouse effect.
Everything is burning up.
Okay, wise guy.
Eat some Soylent Green and calm down.
I finished it last night.
I was hungry, damn it.
- I'll hustle some more on Tuesday.
- You do that.
I don't want to get caught
in another riot.
Get off. I'll charge up
the batteries before I go.
- You'll get a heart attack.
- I should be so lucky.
I've pedaled this damn thing
halfway around the world.
You know,
I'm getting pretty sick of you.
Yes, but you love me.
Night shift again. I'll be damn late.
So get something to eat.
- What?
- Go with God.