Soylent Green

I'd never risk my job.
When you came back,
did you see the body?

Just for a moment.
- Was it like it is now?
- Yes, like it is.

- Sanitation squad is here, detective.
- Just a minute.

What's your arrangement here?
I stay for the next tenant,
if he wants me.

I may have to see you again.
All right.
Okay, Shirl. That's all.
Thorn, I thought they had you
on riot control.

That's right, Wagner.
Hatcher's got you
working a double shift?

Me and everybody else.
- No wonder you look lousy.
- Thanks.

- How do you want him marked?
- Simonson. Murder. Dispose.

- They're full up at waste disposal.
- So check dispatch.

Here. You better sign for him.
- My usual cut?
- You'll get your cut.

Just so we understand.
Where are they taking him?
- What's the difference?
- Tell me, please.

He'll be driven outside the city
to a waste disposal plant.

When my grandmother died...
...there was a ceremony.
- I remember.
- I know.

You got your report?
What about the death benefit?
We hold it, pending next of kin.
