Excuse me, Colonel. The foreigner...
...could it be a fair foreigner? A blonde?
Is Kleist the foreigner?
Colonel, it's 4:30.
The plot described above constitutes,
in my view...
...the most dangerous single conception
that the terrorists...
...could possibly have devised...
...to endanger the life
of President De Gaulle.
If the plot exists as described...
...and if a foreign-born assassin,
whose code name may be "Jackal"...
...has, in fact, been engaged
for this attempt on the life..
-On the life of the President...
...it is my duty to inform you,
Minister, that in my opinion...
...we face a national emergency.
New paragraph.
The above report is top secret
and intended for your eyes only.
Written at 0800 hours...
...August 14, 1963.
Address to the Minister of the Interior.
Have the dispatch riderstand by...
...and forget everything you've heard.