For God's sake, wake up, will you?
The Minister wants to see you!
We can't find him. He's vanished.
Just disappeared off the face of the earth.
I don't think we had any idea
what kind of man...
-...you have been pursuing.
-What about tomorrow?
The President rekindles
the eternal flame at 10:00.
High mass is at 11:00.
There's only one public ceremony
in the afternoon at 4:00.
He will present Liberation Medals
to veterans of the Resistance.
What about crowd control?
Crowds will be kept back
further than ever before.
Steel barriers go up several hours
before each ceremony.
Every house inside the barrier ring
is searched from top to bottom...
...including the sewers.
Police will be issued
special lapel badges at the last moment...
...in case he tries to masquerade
as a security man.
There'll be marksmen inside Notre Dame...
...even among the congregation.
The priests celebrating mass
will be searched for concealed weapons.
We'll have firemen and marksmen on every
rooftop along the procession route.
Dumont has drafted
a number of very tall officers...
...to hedge around the President
without him noticing.