See, I'm into this very hot pool game.
I got to give these guys
a chance to win back their money.
I'm going to be a while here...
so I think we ought to make
our date for another night, sometime...
next semester.
I've got time. I'm in no hurry.
Go ahead. I'll watch you play.
Nine ball, side pocket.
You can run the table.
Boy, am I thirsty.
I could really go for a cream soda.
Don't worry. I'll get it.
- Miriam?
- Yes, Fred?
- Get one for each of us, will you?
- Sure.
- And Miriam?
- Yes, Fred?
- Lay it out, will you?
- Glad to.
What hurt me the most was
Fred hadn't even tried to get to know me.
He was like all the others.
They take one look and that was it.
- What happened to your friends?
- Afraid of a little competition, I guess.
The fall semester was four weeks old...
and I hadn't been asked out
on a single date.
And this was at a school
with 5,000 male students.
What was I doing wrong?
What was I doing right?
What should I be doing,
if I knew how to do it?
It had never been this bad
at any of the other colleges I went to.
And soon, I think we will all realize...