The next morning,
after that bad scene with Moose...
I felt so terrible that I tried to kill myself.
At breakfast in the school cafeteria...
I deliberately ate a second helping of
chipped beef on toast.
I didn't die.
All I got was indigestion...
but combined with a lulu of a head cold.
It was enough to send me to the infirmary.
Ms. Knight? Miriam Knight?
Yes, I'm Miriam Knight.
Is the doctor ready to see me now?
I am the doctor. Dr. Ted Gates.
I am sorry. You look awfully young.
He is young. His mother still has to pin
his rubber gloves to his sleeves.
All right you guys, knock it off.
Would Tedums like to go...
to the delivery room
and figure out how the stork gets in?
Will you knock it off?
Little Teddy's getting angry.
- And do you know why?
- I got it.
Because he's the only one in the hospital
who can wear white and mean it.
The examining room
is this way, Ms. Knight.
- Come on, Teddy baby.
- Nice.
- Come on, sweetheart, don't...
- Come on, Teddy.
Go right through here.
Bye, Teddy.
So then I skipped another term,
and here I am.
Youngest intern on the staff,
and they never let me forget it.
They never let up on the teasing.
People can be cruel, can't they?
Someday I'm going to prove I'm not
just a kid. You know what I mean?
I got so involved talking...
Oh, thanks.
Well, you're normal. It's just a bad cold.
And your chest x-ray
doesn't show any infection.
- You look worse than you really are.
- That's what everyone says.
You'll be fine.
I enjoyed talking to you.
- I really like you.
- I really like you, too.
You do?
Miriam, I know this sounds crazy...
but could we meet tomorrow sometime?