If that's the best you can do,
the answer is definitely "no."
- What?
- You're too old to do the back handspring.
Old? Look, Grandma,
if anybody is old around here, it's you.
So come right over here
and stand out of the way.
Look out, you old witch.
Thanks for the roses.
Oh, just a moment. I'll see if she's here.
No. I'm sorry.
She just dropped out of sight. Bye.
- She had an English accent, I think.
- English accent.
And she asked for Heidi's room number...
and said Heidi was waiting for her.
- What did she look like?
- She had red hair. I remember that.
And pants, very attractive.
And she carried a little case.
Case. A little case.
I am going to wear it.
I love it on you.
I'm going to take it.
Is there anyone who would have wanted
to see Heidi Murphy killed?
Oh, everyone.