Now, this is not funny.
I mean, the water's up to my knees.
There's no window in here.
Tread water, darling. I'll go for help.
Miriam, where are you going to find
a plumber at this time of the night?
I'll go to the yellow pages
and let my fingers do the walking.
Is this the way
you were going to take care of me?
Miriam, for heaven's sakes!
This is no way
for a plumber to end his days!
I can't swim.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
The one mistake I made...
was to go to Herman's funeral.
But I had to. I mean, he was family.
My mother would have had a fit.
And our town will never again
see the likes of Herman Anderson.
He was a devoted husband,
a pillar of the community...
and a reasonably-priced plumber
who actually showed up.
He died a plumber's death.
He died on the job...
trying to fix a leak
with nothing but his bare hands...
and his mouth.
It hurts all of us to see such a life go...
as one might say, down the drain.
But Herman is happy now.
He is up there,
in that big bathroom in the sky...