The Train Robbers

You afraid of the dark, Jesse?
- Fire's going out.
- Let it.

- Something wrong, Lane?
- Thought I heard something.

I guess not.
Just my old heart pounding.
Gets to doing that
when I'm around a good-looking woman.

- Want some more coffee, Mrs. Lowe?
- Thank you.

Coming up.
Lane tells us you got a little boy.
How old is he?
- Six.
- That's a good age.

What do you call him?
Matt. It was his father's name.
- Sorry, didn't mean to bring it up.
- It's all right.

No, it's not all right. I talk too much.
That's the trouble
with always running around wild.

You get kind of starved
for female attention.

You get near a woman, start talking,
and next thing you know...

you say something wrong
and hurt somebody's feelings.

Shut up, Grady, before you put
your other foot in your mouth.

See what I mean?
Hurt old Jesse's feelings.

Got him all mad at me for no cause.
I've been mad at you
ever since I've known you.

Jesse, that's 10 years.
