Leave me now.
My queen!
If the king should hear of this,
we would both be put to death!
I would be more than happy
to die for you, my lady.
Let us pray it shall not be so.
I have news.
The Black Knight has returned,
and seeks a match with you.
The Black Knight...?
None other.
Is he pretty tough?
He has the strength of ten,
and cunning besides.
...his sight is weak in his left eye.
Stay to his left and you will prevail
and win the day.
Confirmation of the reprogramming
of that Black Knight...
...for left lateral weakness and instability
for tomorrow.
I shall see you on the morrow?
My lady.
Schedule for tomorrow a.m.
It's his last day in the resort.
Let's make it a lulu.
Tomorrow a.m. Broadswords.
Schedule locked.
We have a problem
with the air conditioning in Beta section.
Send a crew out.
Yes! He can be sheriff any time he wants.
That is correct. Just give him the badge.