Oh, I love this place.
I love my horse.
I love my horse and I love Julie.
Oh, shut up, will you?
I like the spots on my horse.
- Did you see the spots on my horse?
- Your horse is beautiful.
- Thank you very much. I like yours, too.
- Thank you.
Look out!
Let me handle this!
Goddamn it!
- Do you suppose it's real?
- Hell, no!
That's not supposed to happen!
Maybe it is! Maybe it's part of the thing!
The hell! Goddamn machines, anyway!
That's not supposed to happen!
A rattlesnake struck a guest?
He was shooting at it and he missed.
The snakes are programmed
never to hit on a strike.
- Was the guest injured?
- Minor puncture wounds.
It's inexcusable to injure a guest.
Pick up that snake for a total post at once.
Check all the snake's central mechanisms
tonight during the repair period.
Doesn't anything work around here?