- And sleep now and rest.
- Yeah.
She'll bring you the coffee later.
- All right, darling.
- I won't do it again.
- We're going to school now,
and I'm gonna take 'em.
- And we'll be gone so you-all can rest.
- Terrific. Terrific.
Okay. Bye.
Tony, come on.
Okay, kids. Chop-chop.
Five, four, three, two, one,
zero, blast off!
Nick, it's the city.
They need you.
Tell 'em I'm not comin' in.
He says he's not comin' in.
Tell 'em I'm not Superman!
What the hell
do they think I am? Superman?
He says he's not Superman.
What the heck
do you think he is? Superman?
What did you do? You hung up?
- You gonna be all right?
- Yeah.
After work I'm gonna
see my mother. I got the guilts.
You gonna be all right?
Why do you keep asking me that?
Think there's something
wrong with me or something?
That I'm wacko or something?
Boy, I can hardly wait
for the kids to come home.
All of a sudden I miss everyone.
I don't know why.