That's it. That's it.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Bravo! Come on!
They just died for you. Come on.
Yeah. I love you too.
Hold on.
I'll get her.
Mama, Pa's on the telephone.
Well, tell him we're in the middle of a party.
Okay. I'll tell him
you don't wanna talk to him.
No. Don't tell him that.
That's not what I said. Wait a minute.
Here. I'll get it.
Never mind. I'll get it.
Hello, Nick? Hello.
It's working.
Oh. I'm sorry.
I'm out of breath.
It's working.
Listen, I'm a great mother.
I not only- I not only love our kids...
I love the Jensen kids,
I love Mr. Jensen.
Ah, they're all wonderful.
They're beautiful.
I'm never gonna be mean again. Never.
Yeah. Mr. Jensen. Oh, he was
such a stiff when he came over...
but I got him loosened up.
You know, I got him dancing,
and I got him singing.
- Hello? Hello?
- What's the matter, Mom?
Damn telephones!
Okay, now we've got
one of two choices.
We can, uh, do our homework...
or we could, uh, make costumes.
You want to make costumes? Okay.
All right. Maria, you take the girls up
and put on some eye shadow and lipstick...
and some of those crazy,
you know, costumes you do.
And, uh, Tony, you, um,
do the pirate thing...
with the -with the patch on the eye
and some, uh, earrings and scarves.
You know which ones
I mean, don't you? Okay?