A Woman Under the Influence

All right. Go on in.
Go on in. That's right.

Lots of people!
Come on, darling. Come on.

Come on there.
There we go.
Go right in. Go on.
How are ya?

Hi. Hi.
Here I come. Break open the booze.!
- Let's get something to drink.
- Yeah. Come on.

How are ya? How are ya? Where ya been?
It's wet out there. God, I'm soaked.
Everybody's here.
- Hello, Nick. How are ya?
- Where's Mabel?

- Hi, Nick.
- Nick.

Hey, Nick.
Hi, Nick. Nick.
Hey, Nick. Nick.
- Ah, you're, uh -
- Victor's wife.

Oh, yeah! How are ya?
Jesus Christ!
You're a terrific kisser.

- Thank you. Listen, darling.
- You got a lot of people here.

There's nothing to drink here.
No wine, no beer, no Coke. Nothing.

Yeah. Uh, well, she had a lot of friends.
With Mabel coming home and all, don't you think
you ought to have at least a little something?

- All right. I'll take care of that.
- All right, darling.

Good thought, Nick.
Good thought.

Hey, Nicky, baby.
How are ya, you little fruitcake?
