A Woman Under the Influence

All right. Everybody in the dining room.
We're gonna have a party.

Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Let's make it like a house. Come on.

Let's enjoy ourselves.
Let's have a little warmth here.
Tina, you ready?
We're ready.

Go on in, Doc. Come on.
- Mama, talk to the people. Be a host.
- Okay, okay.

- Hi. Hi, Zepp.
- Hi.

- Hi, Dr. Zepp!
- Hello, Tony.

- Hi. Hi, Tony.
- Hi!

- Hi, Maria.
- Hi, Angelo.

Hello, sweetheart.
Hi, Maria.
- Okay.
- Hello, darling.

- I'll get this one, Dr. Zepp.
- Sure, sweetheart.

- I - I -
- She's a great helper.

- Maybe they need water.
- I think so.

- Here.
- Here's a chair. Here.

Have you got a chair?
You're a good girl.

That's a good girl.
Everybody sit down.
- Here's another chair.
- Adolph, you sit here.

There you are.
Thank you.
Can I help you out, Maria?
- I'll get here. You get over there.
- Zepp, you're here.

- Thank you.
- Watch your bag.

Thank you, Tony.
- All right.
- All right. Here we are.

Tina, we're ready.
Stop acting like strangers. All right.

So, what was it like up there? Terrible?
Good? Bad? What?
Everybody's here.
