A Woman Under the Influence

Seems like a party.
You should have seen it before.
We had 60 people here.

- Nobody thought it was a good idea to have a lot of people...
- That's right.

but I thought it was a good idea.
'Cause I think friends are a good idea.
And good times are a good idea.
- Right, Zepp?
- Right on.

- Right, Adolph?
- Absolutely so.

You see?
I mean, uh, no sense
talking about the past.

The past is the past.
That's dead.

Forget about that.
Good times from now on.
That's what we're gonna have.
Things are gonna get
better and better and better...

and then they'll get better than that,
and then they'll get better.

Tony, did you see that?
Did you see your mother wink at me?
- Could I have a cup of tea?
- Yes, dear.

Tina's preparing some things
in the kitchen, if you'd like.

I'm gonna go in there a minute.
Zepp, uh, do you think she's all right?
- She's a little crazy in -
- Oh, Mama.

- The girl's fine.
- They gave her a release, you know. They gave -

- Ma, but did you see her wink at me?
- Yeah, I saw her.

- But something in her eyes, you know.
- Tina.!

- Oh, no, don't. Don't.
- You're so fat.!

- My God, girl.! You were 120 pounds when I left.
- All right, Mama. That's enough.

You were- What happ-
How did you get so fat?

Oh, Tina, you've gotta go to one of those places
and take some of that off.

Look at your ass, Tina.!
Oh, my God, Tina.!
