Animals Are Beautiful People

Fifty thousand square miles
of eternally shifting sand.

You'd think nobody
could make a living here.

And yet, when the wind
dies down and the dust settles...

:01:50 see a tiny track,
and many more.

No matter how harsh
and inhospitable a place is...

...there's always someone
who's willing to live there.

A whole community of little creatures
have had millions of years...

:02:06 adapt to the impossible
conditions in this desert.

This one must have had three legs.
This one only one.
The beetles who live here
have an air-cooled cooling system...

:02:30 a Volkswagen, so they have
to run like crazy to keep their cool.

Even courting has to be done on the run.
A quick kiss at full gallop,
and the romance is over.

When you can't run any longer...
:02:57 have to dig like mad
to get out of the heat.
