Animals Are Beautiful People

First, he buries himself in the sand
until he is quite invisible.

Then his tail comes up
and pretends to be a blade of grass.

Now, geckos don't
eat grass, but ants do.

And geckos eat ants.
At this point,
things happen rather quickly.

Ant goes for tail,
gecko goes for ant...

End of gecko.
So some die and some live in the heart
of the unearthly Red Namib Desert...

:05:34 southwest Africa
on the tropic of Capricorn.

And on the fringes of the Red Namib...
...lives the real miracle
of the desert, the oryx.

The most beautiful of all antelope.
These amazing animals always manage
to look sleek and well-fed...

:05:59 this arid region where there
seems to be no food and no water.

The austere beauty of the Namib
remains undisturbed...

...because man finds the region
so intimidating, he hardly ever intrudes.

But to the oryx and the
little creatures of the Namib...

...this waterless, hostile desert
is paradise.

Where the red desert ends,
there's a vast white desert...

...where it's so quiet,
you can hear the silence.

The White Namib, a region
of rugged moonscapes and endless vistas.

Here the eye can feast
on breathtaking beauty...
