Animals Are Beautiful People

A cozy little community
where you can raise a contented family.

But sometimes tragedy strikes.
Once in a long while, a dewdrop
will hang in just the right spot...

:10:31 the right time, to focus the sun's rays
on the dry, combustible thatch.

In a few minutes, the flames destroy
a hundred years' work...

...and bring grief to many families.
The vast White Namib
is only a narrow band...

...on the map of the immense
African continent...

...but it's gradually encroaching
deeper and deeper inland...

...creating a region of scrubby growth
and very little grass:

The Pre-Namib, where
the dainty springbok roam.

This used to be lush grassland,
but for the past 10,000 years...

...the Pre-Namib has been slowly drying out,
and the animals and plants that live here...

...have to adapt to a climate
where the rainfall...

...gets less and less
as the years pass.

Some plants have adapted magnificently
to the challenge of the changing climate.

Stapelia flowers, for instance...
...had to evolve a way
of getting pollinated...

:11:51 a region where there are no bees.
So instead of emitting
a pretty smell to entice bees...

...they put out a powerful stench
like a rotting carcass...

...and this attracts the blue fly,
who likes smelly meat.
