...so they can bear more seeds
to start the next generation.
An incredible variety of animals...
...have accepted the challenge
of living in the Pre-Namib...
...where you are never sure
whether it'll rain this year or next year.
The scaly anteater, who looks like
a tired medieval knight in armor.
The wart hog, who's
so ugly, he's beautiful...
...and who always goes
into his home tail-first.
Porcupines, who should
know better than anyone...
...not to go through
the same door at the same time.
The scorpion, who carries
her babies on her back.
The chameleon, whose
eyes move independently...
...so he can see where he's going
and where he's been.
He must be the only creature in the world...
...whose left eye doesn't know
what his right eye is doing.
The dikkop, who spends 95%% of his life
looking like a stuffed bird...
...because he stands so very still
and never blinks.
When he does move,
it's only for a split second...
...and then he freezes again.
And then there are wildebeests...
...and ostrich and starlings...
...and zebra and giraffe.
There's a whole treasure house
of animal life...
...in the wide and thirsty Pre-Namib.
It's also lion country,
and at the water holes...
...the animals are nervous and skittish.