His Majesty knows how to cope
with the generation gap...
...and he will make an example
of the young upstart...
...who has dared to challenge
the establishment.
A long, long stare until the young one
is thoroughly cowed.
And now the young rebel
has to lie down again...
...so that the king can come
walking past once more.
And this time he knows he'll be shown
the respect due to him.
He's not even a very
imposing specimen, as lions go...
...but he does remember that he's descended
from a long line of kings.
The hyena could have
been king of the desert.
His jaws are stronger than those of a lion,
and he has those powerful forequarters...
...but nature saw fit to give him
a weak and wobbly rear end...
...and a slow, ungainly gait.
So instead of being king of the desert,
he's a lowly trash collector...
...who lives off the leftovers
of the lion and other hunters.
It's just as well he's not the king,
because he's a real stinker.
He's a coward. He's sneaky.
He often slobbers and drools.
He loves to roll in the rotting remains...
...of some dead animal
to mask his own smell.
He has a silly giggle.
And, worst of all, he's not content
to live on garbage alone...
...so he'll eat the babies of other animals
when he can get to them.