The faster ones get away
because he's too lazy to exert himself...
...but the smaller and slower ones
are in constant danger.
Yellow-billed ducklings are fortunate...
...because their mother
is a very clever actress.
She also has great courage.
When she sees a hyena prowling about,
she tells the kids to be quiet...
...and walks towards the hyena...
...while they start sneaking
away towards the water.
Now she gives a quack
to get the hyena's attention...
...and goes into her wounded-bird act.
She really hams it up...
...because she's got to keep
him from spotting the chicks.
So she flounders about pitifully
to convince him he can catch her easily.
But when he gets too close,
she recovers miraculously...
...and streaks for the water.
For a moment, he begins to doubt
the sincerity of her performance...
...but she quickly goes into her next act,
the pathetic drowning duck...
...with all the cries for help
and all the "glub-glubs" the scene calls for.
So he believes her again
and follows her at his leisure...
...because he's sure she's easy meat.
And behind his back,
the chicks slip quietly into the water.
This is a crucial moment, because
they have to swim across open water...
...to get to a safe hiding place...
...so she dare not let his attention
wander away from her.
And she has to let him come
dangerously close...
...to keep him convinced
he can catch her.
When at last the chicks
reach the hiding place...
...she can consider her own safety
and make another miraculous recovery.
And he begins to wonder
whether he's been taken for a sucker.
Somehow the scavengers
and the carrion-eaters...
...are the unbeautiful
people of the desert...
...not only in looks,
but also in character.
The stuffy-looking marabous...
...are members of the elegant
and aristocratic stork family...
...but thousands of years ago, they
started making their living by disposing...
...of the remains of dead animals...
...and they began to look more and more
like unsuccessful undertakers.
Nowadays, the marabou wears
a threadbare black coat...