On the morning of his wedding day...
...the wart hog goes down
to the water hole for a bath...
...because he wants to look nice
for his bride-to-be.
That's enough.
Meanwhile, the young lady of his choice
moves into his bachelor apartment...
...and immediately starts changing things.
He does a thorough job
of grooming himself today...
...and she wants her future home
to be just right.
And when he comes home,
he begins to realize...
...that you have to make some adjustments
to your lifestyle when you get married.
And there you have as handsome a couple
of young newlyweds as you can hope to find.
The friendliest and the most
affectionate little creatures...
...in the desert are the meerkats.
Sorry, fella.
They're also most inquisitive,
and when a stranger intrudes...
...he's received with courtesy
and friendly curiosity.