Animals Are Beautiful People

Father feels happy and proud
to see his children at last...

...but perhaps he also feels sad
and discarded.

Now they don't need him anymore.
Although wart hogs get as smashed...
:50:30 everybody else
during the marula binge...

...they lead exemplary lives
for the rest of the year.

Family ties are strong, and the little
ones are attached to their mother.

Of course, in every family there
is always one unlucky one.

If there are any knocks coming,
he gets them.

The cheetah is the fastest
runner in the world...

...and if Mrs. Wart Hog is not alert,
she can lose some of her family.

But she's quick to sense danger,
and hogs are pretty fast on their feet too.

Each one finds a hole and pops in tail-first.
The unlucky one chooses a hole that's too
small, and now he can get neither in nor out.
