At last, the payoff.
This amazing partnership of the
honey guide bird and the badger...
...is an intriguing example of teamwork
between different species.
He doesn't eat all the loot,
because she's entitled to her share.
The inhabitants of the Cubango Basin...
...don't realize how lucky
they are to be living in luxury.
To them, this land of plenty
is the whole universe.
They're unaware that
their bounteous habitat...
...is a small green world floating...
...in the vast emptiness of the Pre-Namib.
The Pre-Namib, again, is dwarfed
by its neighbor on Capricorn, the Kalahari.
This is the most treacherous desert of all,
because after the short rainy season...
...it looks like an immense paradise
that can rival the opulence of the Cubango.
The grass is as high as an elephant's eye,
and while the surface water lasts...
...everybody prospers.