Blazing Saddles

Too Jewish.
We'll work up a Number Six on them!
I'm afraid I'm not familiar
with that one.

That's where we go
riding into town...

...and a-whapping and a-whooping
every living thing...

...that moves within an inch
of its life!

Except the women folks, of course.
You spare the women?
No, we rape the shit out of them
at the Number Six dance later on!

That's marvelous! That's so creative!
Why, Taggart, you've been hurt!
That uppity nigger hit me
on the head with a shovel.

I'd sure appreciate it, sir, if
you could find it in your heart...

:11:40 hang him up by his
neck until he was dead.

Got him locked up downstairs.
Consider it done, stout fellow.
I've got a special.
When can you work him in?

I couldn't possibly fit him in
until Monday, sir. I'm booked solid.

Monday. Splendid.
Thank you, sir.
And don't you worry.

We'll make Rock Ridge
think it's a chicken...

...that got caught in a tractor's nuts!
It's all right, Taggart. Just a man
and a horse being hung out there.

"There was a peaceful town
called Rock Ridge,

"... where people lived in harmony.
"They never had no kind of trouble.
"There was no hint of misery.
"The town saloon was always lively...
"... but never nasty or obscene.
