What are we made of?
Our fathers came across the prairie...
...fought Indians, fought drought,
fought locusts, fought Dix!
Remember when Richard Dix came in here
and tried to take over this town?
Well, we didn't give up then...
...and by gum, we're not
going to give up now!
Olson Johnson is right!
What kind of people are we, anyhow?
I say we stay and fight it out!
Dr. Samuel Johnson is right about
Olson Johnson's being right.
And I'm not giving up
my ice cream parlor...
...that I built with these two hands
for nothing or nobody!
Howard Johnson is right!
Well, if we're going to stay, and
I think it's a big mistake...
...we're going to need a new sheriff.
Now, who is it going to be?
Why don't we wire the governor
to send us a sheriff?
Why should we get our own men killed?
Howard Johnson is right.
We'll wire the governor.
Then let us pray for the deliverance
of our new sheriff.
Will the congregation please rise?
I shall now read from the books
of Matthew, Mark, Luke...
...and duck!
We've got to do something at once!
Governor, may I disturb
you for a moment, sir?
If you will just sign this, governor.
Right here.
Yes, what the hell is it?
Well, under the provisions
of this bill...
...we would snatch 200,000 acres
of Indian territory...
...which we have deemed unsafe
for their use at this time.
They're such children.